Sat | July 27, 2024, 3:21 pm
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The Laguna State Polytechnic University (LSPU) is on its way to becoming a  Higher Employability Results and Opportunity (HERO) awardee.

HERO summit series aims to recognize institutions delivering graduates with high employability rate across the globe. Specifically, HERO is a movement that champions higher employability results and opportunities veering towards the 21st century industries. As part of its initial steps in the  awarding of recognition, LSPU attended the HERO International Summit at Peninsula Manila, Oct. 27.

Representing the University were Dr. Eden C. Callo, Vice  President for Academic Affairs; Joel M. Bawica, Dean of the College of Computer Studies (CCS); and Dr. Chester Alexis C. Buama, President of the Faculty Association of the Los Baños Campus.After sealing membership, the University is set to be given the HERO award at Fairmont Château Laurier, Ottawa, Canada in April 2020 (V.P. E. Callo).