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Home/ News & Articles/ LSPU advances research through writeshops, mentoring program

The Laguna State Polytechnic University (LSPU) conducted various writeshops, mentoring, and in-house reviews to elevate research in the university this first quarter of the year.
In line with this, the College of Industrial Technology (CIT) and College of Engineering (COE) of the LSPU-San Pablo City Campus (LSPU-SPCC) conducted their joint CIT and COE 2024 Output-based Research Writing Writeshop Series with the theme, “Recalibrating Research Skills for More Productive Output,” held at the CIT Faculty Room, Multitech Building, March 1.
The writing series, which runs from March to June of 2024, covers topics on research writing and publication that will equip regular faculty members with the necessary skills to generate high-quality research outputs.
The first session focused on the topics of Target Journals, Review of Related Literature, and Background of the Study with Dr. Wilfred Ralph G. Gomez, Program Coordinator of the Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology (BSIT) program, and Dr. Victoria E. Tamban, Chairperson of the Innovation and Technology Support Office (ITSO), as resource persons.
On the same day, the College and Business Administration and Accountancy (CBAA) and College of Hospitality Management and Tourism (CHMT) conducted their research mentoring program while the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS), College of Criminal Justice Education (CCJE), and College of Teacher Education (CTE) held its similar research workshop series. The College Computer Studies (CCS) conducted an Echo Training Session on data visualization techniques, machine learning applications, case studies, and best practices.
Colleges of different campuses likewise conducted in-house reviews for their research proposals and projects.
These activities were put into place as an initiative of the Research and Development Office (RDO) under the directorship of Dr. Delon Ching.
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