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48th National Convention of PAGE Attended by University CTE Officials
The deans, associate deans, and graduate program coordinators of the LSPU- College of Teacher Education attended the 48th National Convention of the Philippine Association for Graduate Education (PAGE) held in La Carmela de Boracay Resort Hotel, Malay Aklan from February 24 to 27, 2015. The theme of the convention focused on “Quality Graduate Research as a Response to ASEAN 2015”. The convention objectives were: to provide venue for bringing together administrators, researchers, graduate students and partn...
CHMT designs curriculum for glocal, industry-responsive students
The College of Hospitality Management and Tourism (CHMT) of the Laguna State Polytechnic University (LSPU) held a three-day curriculum enhancement to align its program offerings for glocal and industry-responsive students, Oct. 7,10, and 11. Key stakeholders such as program coordinators, deans, associate deans, parents, students, alumni, industry partners and experts participated in the workshop themed, “Navigating Hospitality and Tourism Trends: Curriculum Enhancement for CHMT Students’ Glocal En...
LSPU law students to practice legal education with CDA
The students of the Bachelor of Law program of the Laguna State Polytechnic University (LSPU) are set to have their clinical legal education program (CLEP) with the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA). This comes after the formalization of the collaboration between the LSPU-College of Law (CoL) and the CDA through a ceremonial signing of the memorandum of agreement (MOA) held at the Conference Hall, LSPU-San Pablo City Campus (SPCC), April 29. Mr. Salvador V. Valeroso, Regional Director of CDA, ...
The Laguna State Polytechnic University Agri-Aqua Technology Business Incubation (LSPU-AATBI) and the Department of Agriculture – Philippine Center for Postharvest Development and Mechanization (DA-PhilMECH) are en route for partnership to bolster the cacao industry in Laguna. In a Multi-Media Learning (MML) Webinar series of LSPU-AATBI on Cacao Processing Technology last September 24-25, 2020, Engr. Andres M. Tuates, PhilMECH’s Technology Developer of Cacao Processing Technology, assured his support to...
Fight against Dengue: LSPU-SCC conducts campus clean-up drive
In response to the rising cases of dengue, which continues to be a serious public health issue in the country, the Laguna State Polytechnic University-Santa Cruz Campus (LSPU-SCC), through the initiative of the Medical Clinic and the University Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (UDRRMO), organized a clean-up drive on campus, March 5. According to Mr. Erwin Napiza, Director of UDRRMO, the activity serves as a precautionary measure to prevent the increase and spread of dengue fever within the university. The ...