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AgroStudies Interns deployed for training in Israel

The International and Local Affairs Office of Laguna State Polytechnic University made a courtesy call for AgroStudies International Internship Program  participants to the University President, Dr. Nestor M. De Vera at his office at Sta. Cruz Main Campus prior to their  deployment to one year training program to selected farms and industry partners of AgroStudies-Israel. Along with 10 students (i.e., five from Siniloan campus, two students from Nagcarlan and three from Los Banos Campus) who are qualified to participate in the program were the parents or guardians, former Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Mario C. Pasion and AgroStudies Coordinators of LSPU–SC and LBC A/Prof.Sandra P. Mesina and Prof. Merly De Vera.

The student trainees are given an opportunity to take internship in various agricultural industries in Israel, and they are now on their fourth month training which includes theoretical studies through lecture forum that are conducted in one of the Agrostudies campuses in Rufin, in the Tel Chai College in Galillee or in Kfar Silver. The student trainees are required to attend to the theoretical program and complete the requirements to receive their graduation certificates. Agrostudies exerted reasonable efforts to enable the students to participate in their preferable field of practice. They have been deployed to two fields of practice, General Agriculture and Livestock. They are all trained to new farming technology for mushroom production , banana, avocado, citrus farm propagation and dairy farm management. 

Likewise, they were given a schedule for cultural heritage exploration and travel to holy places of Israel which is an indelible experience to them as Christian to have the chance to visit the holy land. The student trainees witnessed the genuine hospitality of Filipino workers and Christian groups when they were guided to visit the biblical heritage located in the cities of Israel. 

They also experienced the natural phenomenon of winter season, a happening which never did they imagine they would able to witness, a mountain range covered with crystal ice which now part of their unforgettable and rewarding journey to a foreign land (SMM).