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September 19, 2022   Siniloan Campus   Campus Wide

Home/ News & Articles/ LSPU holds University-Wide Welcoming and Orientation
LSPU holds University-Wide Welcoming and Orientation

In an effort to welcome the students and provide an overview of the campus, its policies, and the university’s mission and vision, the Laguna State Polytechnic University (LSPU) leads Virtual Wide Welcoming and General Orientation today, September 6 at 1:00 o'clock in the afternoon via Facebook live: for new, old and transferees student of the campus.

Jayson Olayta, director of Office of the Student Affairs and Services (OSAS) together with VP for Academic Affairs Dr. Eden C. Callo, VP for Research Dr. Robert C. Agatep, VP for Administration Engr. Beltran P. Perigal and Honorable University President Mario R. Briones shares words of welcome to greet all the young people who will be part of the university.

“We are one with the nation in recovering and rebuilding itself from the devastating effects of the COVID19 pandemic and now that the university and colleges have finally reopen the premises of more interactive and dynamic learning,” Dr. Mario R. Briones, the University President said.

The orientation presented the university officials, deans, and directors of the university as they address the student handbook and campus policies.

“Every LSPU students shall observed the law, the rules and regulation in the University and the standard of the society,” as cited by Jayson Olayta. They show the reason, as well as the disciplinary actions written in the student manual.

Presenting the Orientation Program for New Students and Transferees which tackles the Function of the Office of the Registrar, Grading Standard, Admission and Registration and other concern of the student in the campus. Discuss concerns and rules with students inhabit their consciousness of how the campus is going.

The university virtual tour captured the facilities, buildings and other preferences of the Laguna State Polytechnic University that could help the student to visualize the physical image of the school.

“Maganda. Naipakita ‘yong mga importanteng part ng schools na kadalasan pinupuntahan ng students,” Lianne Kaye Lagubana, a student from BSACCO2B of Laguna State Polytechnic University—Siniloan Campus stated.

As the 2022-2023 school year is about to start, the university wants to welcome every student to have an impressive experience in our Laguna State Polytechnic University.


Photo courtesy | LSPU Official Facebook Page

Writer | Hazel Yamballa

Caption | Crismary Grace Aguilar

Layout | Merileth Moneda