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December 11, 2017   San Pablo City Campus   Campus Wide

Home/ News & Articles/ TESA Hails Buwan ng Wika with the theme "WIKA NG PAGKAKAISA"

August 29, 2014— The Tertiary Schools Association (TESA) founded at San Pablo City held a conglomerate Buwan ng Wika celebration at the Audio-Visual Education Center (AVEC) at LSPU-San Pablo City Campus.

Themed “Wika ng Pagkakaisa” the well-celebrated event was highlighted with the participation of students and respective coaches fromcolleges and universities in the city such as Canossa Colleges, San Pablo Colleges (SPC), St Peter College of Seminary (SPCS), Capellan Institute of Technology (CIT), Dalubhasaan ng Lunsod ng San Pablo, and St. Benilde. 

The program was formally opened with an invocation and the singing of the national anthem. It was followed by the acknowledgements of the participating institutions, the officers and members of the association. The speeches of the University President Dr. Nestor M. de Vera and Hon. Loreto S. Amanted were delivered on their behalf.

Daniel Balaaldia hooked the poster making award while Emy Rose Migo championed the poem deliberation category and Ruffa Anne Abbe won 3rd place the nonextemporaneous speech.