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December 21, 2017   University Wide   Campus Wide

Home/ News & Articles/ President de Vera to Speaks on Phronetic Leadership or Practical Wisdom

Dr. Nestor M. de Vera was one of the Plenary Speakers in the concluded 2017 PSPA International Conference held at BSA Towers, Ortigas Avenue, Mandaluyong City on November 16-17, 2017.

The theme of the conference was focused on “Innovations in Public Administration Reforms in ASEAN and in Asian Communities”. The sub-theme was “Forging Knowledge C0-Creation, Linking Societies and the Foundation for Democracy, Peace and Sustainable Development”.

The PSPA organizers conglomerate leaders and administrators from the academe, government practitioners, civic society organizations, and the private sectors for discussion of best practices in management and leadership, not only locally but also internationally.

Moreover, the conference focused on deepening the discourse of governance, public sector reform and citizen engagement, among others with specific reference to the ideas and aspirations of engendering decentralization and democracy to bring about development, especially on habitually neglected communities.

Dr. N. de Vera discussed on Phronetic Leadership and Reforms in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). He pointed out that leadership as a university President is a complex leadership and very critical because one is leading people who are intelligent, competent, forward looking, visionary, innovative and many more. Hence, what it takes is sense of self-direction, self-awareness, social awareness, ability to motivate, and with extra ordinary vision.

According to him one basic but indispensable component of leadership is knowledge and knowledge leadership provides knowledge vision, promote the sharing of knowledge assets, create, energize, and connecting ba. (created through relationship with others) At the base of knowledge leadership is phronesis or practical wisdom, and when behavior is realized, and achieved unity among people, that is phronetic leadership.

Together with Dr. N. de Vera is the International Conference were Dr. Roberto C. Miranda, Dr. Daniel Bunal, Dr. Mario Briones, and CD Romulo Ballesteros.