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Home/ News & Articles/ GAD holds webinar on addressing sexual harassment in the workplace
GAD holds webinar on addressing sexual harassment in the workplace

In celebration of International Women’s Day, the Gender and Development (GAD) Office of the Laguna State Polytechnic University-Sta. Cruz Campus (LSPU-SCC) spearheaded a webinar on Addressing and Preventing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace, March 8.

With the theme, “Empowering Voices, Ensuring Respect,” Mr. Christian P. San Luis, Chairperson of the Student Affairs and Services (OSAS), emphasized in his opening message the importance of conducting this kind of activity such as promoting awareness and safe space, empowering individuals, building trust, preventing workplace disruption, and enhancing the well-being of students and faculty, all of which are to prevent violence in our workplace.

Atty. Christelle Brosas Amil, resource person of the webinar, discussed the content of Republic Act 7877 or the Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995, covering the examples of behavior that may constitute workplace harassment; the liability of the employer, head of office, or educational institution to the said harassment; measures to be done when one experienced being sexually harassed; and reminders on how to prevent sexual harassment. 

The webinar participants also had the opportunity to ask the speaker regarding the topic.

Dr. Maria Rellie B. Kalacas, Chairperson of GAD, thanked all the participants who cooperated in the success of their webinar. She stated that it is essential to create a workplace that values the well-being and dignity of the employees and encourages a culture of respect. 

She also added that every Friday, the LSPU will be having different activities with students, faculty, and non-teaching personnel in support of the National Women's Month celebration.

Ms. Wyn Cemiller Hife served as the master of the ceremony during the webinar.
