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LSPU meets CHED-IAS for transnational higher education

The Laguna State Polytechnic University (LSPU) conducted a consultation meeting with the Commission on Higher Education-International Affairs Service (CHED-IAS) to explore the offering of transnational higher education (TNHE), Jan 16.

The CHED-IAS primarily aimed to guide the LSPU in conducting self-assessment to determine its readiness in the offering of TNHE programs.

Through Dr. Nimfa Dimaculangan, Director for International and Local Affairs (ILA), the LSPU had requested the said consultation meeting held at CHED, Quezon City, based on the recommendation of the LSPU Board of Regents (BOR) in line with the proposal of LSPU to enter memoranda of understanding (MOU) with three (3) higher education institutions in Vietnam.

Headed by Atty. Lily Freida C. Macabangun-Milla as its Director, CHED-IAS key personnel educated the LSPU on the existing laws, policies, and guidelines to be followed in international ventures of higher education institutions in the country, such as the RA 1148 (“Transnational Higher Education Act); CMO 62, s. 2016 (Policies, Standards, and Guidelines for Transnational Education Programs); CMO 55, s. 2016 (Policy Framework and Strategies on the Internationalization of Philippine Higher Education); and CMO 1, s.2000 (Policies and Guidelines in the Implementation of International Linkages and Twinning Programs), among others. CHED-IAS also said they will share the self-assessment instrument and TNE toolkit with LSPU to guide the university further.

Atty. Macabangun-Milla explained that TNHE is a commitment which entails the responsibility of the university to carry the name and reputation of Philippine higher education globally.

During the meeting, CHED-IAS went over the concepts of TNHE categories (e.g., academic franchising, joint and double degrees, and twinning arrangements), Strategic Internationalization Plan (SIP), and pertinent parameters that the LSPU must consider as it gears toward TNHE ventures.

Atty. Macabangun-Milla also explained that the internationalization initiatives of the institution must be aligned with its institutional vision.

She recommended the following for LSPU to consider: explore a short-term mobility program; participate in internationalization networks and ranking; identify institutional interest and college priorities; establish a functional internationalization office and adequate budget; and create manuals and guidelines on strategic internationalization programs among others.

Atty. Macabangun-Milla also pointed out the opportunities that might be tapped in expanding global networks or partnerships through faculty participation in international conferences and paper presentations.

Present in the meeting with Dr. Dimaculangan from LSPU were Dr. Eden C. Callo, Vice President for Academic Affairs; Dr. Alberto D. Yazon, Director for Quality Assurance; Dr. Edilberto Z. Andal, Dean of the College of Teacher Education; Dr. Charmine Rivera, Dean of the College of Hospitality Management and Tourism; Dr. Marc Sylvester Garcia, Dean of the College of Agriculture; and Mr. Kevin A. Amante, Information Officer.