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December 6, 2017   San Pablo City Campus   Campus Wide

Home/ News & Articles/ LSPU-CMU Maintains Programs on IELPC And Cooperation on Overseas Corps for Global Citizenship
LSPU-CMU Maintains Programs on IELPC And Cooperation on Overseas Corps for Global Citizenship

December 27, 2015—PROF. BAEK SEUNG MYEONG arrives from Changwon Moonsung University, Korea along with 11 students to participate in the Intensive English Language Proficiency Course and at the same time conduct teaching of Korean language to interested Filipino students as part of their Overseas Service Corps. The aim of which is to cultivate both the Korean and Filipino students’ sound mind and global citizenship; and expand the sharing of culture and love among each other

The 20th Batch of Koreans will stay in LSPU-San Pablo City Campus from December 27 to January 23. The names of the Korean students are as follows: HA SU HEON (Aviation Maintenance), LEE GWANG OK (Aviation Maintenance), KIM JUN YOUNG ( Electrical Engineering), LEE CHANG SEONG (Mech. Engineering), LEE SEUNG WOO (Exercise Rehabilitation), PARK JAE SEOP (Special Military Equipment, PARK JUN PYO (Electrics), CHOI YONG JUN ( Shipbuilding & Marine Plant) MIN SUNG KIM (Electronics), JANG HYEON HO ( Nursing), and KIM TAE HYEON ( Fire Protection Engineering).

A/Prof. Leonor L. Dominguez coordinated the implementation of the program in San Pablo City Campus.