Some curricular programs of the University are set for merging into Colleges for the maximization and better utilization of resources.
This was one of the products of the three-day workshop on Improving Quality Assurance in a Gender-Sensitive Workplace held at the Kamayan Hotel and Restaurant, Bay Laguna, Oct. 2-4.
From the proposal of Dr. Eden C. Callo, Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA), and Dr. Zenaida O. Vitasa, Director of Curriculum Instruction Development and Quality Assurance (CIDQA), the body deliberated and agreed on the selected changes on college composites and nomenclature:
1. College of Arts and Applied Sciences (from the College of Arts and Sciences with the inclusion of the BS Criminology and BS Food Technology)
2. College of Management and Accountancy (combination of the College of Hospitality Management and Tourism and the College of Business Management and Accountancy)
3. College of Nursing and Allied Health (with the inclusion of Bachelor of Food Nutrition and Dietetics)
4. College of Teacher Education with the inclusion of the College of Industrial Technology programs
Upon presentation, President Mario R. Briones approved the motion for the merging of the colleges for maximization of resources.
The proposal is set for presentation to the academic and administrative council prior seeking the approval of the Board for complete implementation.**